Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Better Late Than...

So, who remembers this post? It was a post where I annouced that I secured the email address, which turned into a non-serious rant about the famous Matt Brouwer and how he was famous and I wasn't. Well, it turns out that Matt stumbled upon that post by searching for his own name, and left a comment. When I saw that he wrote something (but before I read it), I thought "Oh crap, I feel bad now. I'm bad mouthing this guy who I don't even know, and although it's meant in jest, that doesn't always come across when something's typed". But I didn't need to worry, as he took it all in stride. In fact, he did better than that. He offerred to send me his latest CD, just for being the jerk that I am. So, I promised I'd review it for the the five people that actually read this blog to give his CD huge exposure. Um, that was like 6 months ago. Yeah, I procrastinate, but better late than never. So, without further ado...

Unlearning - A CD Review

Well, I'm not much of a CD reviewer, so why don't I just start with what I like about it. The album is called "Unlearning", which is Matt's second release. According to the sticker on the front of the CD, the track called "Surrender" is meant to be the single of the album. So, that was the first one I listened to and as with most "single" tracks, it's a good song. But going deeper into the album, these are the songs that I particularly like (besides Surrender): You Are, I Shall Believe, A Simple Plan, and Home.

I think Matt's roots in Christian Music are in worship band area. You can get that kind of feel in some of his songs. Of course, he's taken his music further than that, and all in all, he's made a really solid CD. I think you all should buy his CD (which comes with a DVD) and help out this indie Christian artist. Plus, it's really cool to see my name on a professionally made CD.

Even though I doubt he'll ever bother to visit here again, I'd like to say thank you to Matt for sending along his CD to some jerk on the internet who had the same name. He didn't have to, obviously, but I think it shows he's a pretty decent guy, not to mention a really good musician. I'm glad it's he who has, because there couldn't be a better representative of the name.

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