Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Wørd: Orchestra

It was an orchestral weekend for me. On Friday night, I went to Detroit with my mom, my dad, and Kiersten to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the Palace of Auburn Hills. For those who have no idea who they are or what they sound like, I usually describe them as a "Rock Orchestra". It seems to fit. My Dad, on the other hand, described them as "Heavy Metal and Rap". So, either will work. Anyway, the music was great, and the accompanying light show was awesome. The only drawback was the I had a giant beer right beforehand, and had to pee really bad right from the start. Sure, I tried to nip that in the bud by going to the bathroom five minutes before the show started, but the liquid just haden't worked it's way down yet. I would have gone during the "intermission" an hour and a half into it (which actually was when the lead guitarist spoke to the audience and introduced the band, so it wasn't really an intermission), but I mistook it for the end of the show and I didn't go at that time thinking the show would get out while I was in the bathroom and I'd have to fight my way back to get my coat, etc. Anyway, after the talk, there was another hour and a half of music. So despite the great show... it was kinda uncomfortable.

But then I came back to Waterloo on Saturday as I had tickets to go see the KW Symphony with Josh and Jessica. It was thier annual Christmas Pops concert. They played such hits as The Nutcracker, Carol of the Bells, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, and of course Sleigh Ride. Also, there was a singalong portion. So, good fun.

And then today, I officially kicked off my Christmas shopping for the year. Hmmm... early start this year.

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