Friday, December 02, 2005

Election Quotes #1

The honour of being the first to be made fun of for something said on the campain goes to...

It's a tie between Prime Minister Paul Martin, leader of the Liberal Party and Jack Layton, leader of the NDP. Here's why... In response to Stephen Harper's pledge to have no parallel private health care they said:

Paul Martin - "I believe in a Canada that values and protects it's universally publically funded healthcare system, so that healthcare requires a health card, not a credit card."

Jack Layton - "We want our healthcare system to be one that where it's your healthcare card that gets you the healthcare, not your credit card." (Bonus points to Mr. Layton for holding up a health card and credit card as props, just incase we didn't know what he was talking about)

So, not only do they both use bad cliches, apparently they hire the same writers for them. So thank you to Paul Martin and Jack Layton by saying absolutely nothing, using the most words possible and therefore insulting my intelligence.

PS - Don't take me picking on the Liberals and NDP as giving the Conservatives an easy time. I plan to give them all a ride.

1 comment:

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