Monday, December 13, 2010

You And Everyone Else

I went to Gamestop to buy a TV mount for the Kinect. Here's how the transaction went:

Salesgirl: "These things are pretty complicated. I hope you have an engineering degree."
Me: "As a matter of fact..."
Salesgirl: "Oh right, this is Waterloo."

So not only is my degree nothing special around here, the mount was ridiculously difficult to put together.


  1. It is Microsoft, after all...

  2. Actually, it was a third party accessory.

  3. This made me happy.

    plus, safari hates Echo and won't let me read comments or comment on your blog, I have to use firefox.

  4. You're not using Firefox all the time?

  5. I think this post has my vote for funniest of the year. The Salesgirl was completely unimpressed with your engineering degree? So if she was attractive, she preemptively shot you down? Ouch. Do you ever consider adopting an obese orange cat and a really stupid dog, and changing your name to Jon Arbuckle?

    I love you Matt!
