Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Non-Work Post

So, I looked at my blog today and saw that the last post I made was a soliciatation for work. I hate putting those things up... it's like my work life intruding into my personal life. So, what better way to get rid of it than to make a new post?

So, what to write about? I notice the last time I mentioned Weight Watchers was back in March when I wrote how I had gained 10 pounds since getting off the program. Well, to bring you up to date on that... add another 10 pounds. The first 10 wasn't so bad, but the second 10... well, things just aren't fitting again. So, starting yesterday, I'm making a conscience effort to eat within my point target without having to go to an actual meeting. Yesterday was a success, but today the hunger pains (and when I say "pains" I mean "minor discomfort") are out in full force. My goal is to see if I can get to the end of the week staying on the program... and then we'll see from there.

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