Friday, July 03, 2009

Genius? or Smart Kid on the Short Bus?

If you caught my facebook status yesterday, you'd have seen that I placed 5th in just over 1000 people in the Canadian edition of 1 vs 100 Extended Play on XBox Live. Well, tonight I did a bit better... First place, baby! That was even after missing the first question due to logging on late and getting 2 easy questions wrong early on because I was chatting to Joe about his bad blind date. Not that it means much... there's no prizes given away for Extended Play, but it's still kinda cool.

The Canadian edition is a special one tacked on at the end or beginning of each night of 1v100 where only Canadians answer Canada specific question. Now, the rest of the night is open to Canada and the US and it's general trivia. The number of players on those games is much higher (at it's peak it was up to 100,000 but it's settled down to about 20,000 for tonight) and good luck getting anywhere near the leaderboard. So, the Canada game is only for Canadians who've stuck around and haven't logged off yet.

But still, winning is fun.

Now the Live version of 1 vs 100 plays like the actual game show, and it's quite a bit different to watch/play. But it's only on Friday and Saturday nights. So, if you have an XBox 360 (and really, when was the last time you even touched that Wii?) and like trivia, give it a go.

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