Friday, March 22, 2013

What Happened To Community?

One of my favourite shows of the last couple years has been Community.  It was unique and never seemed to fall into the usual sitcom routines.  Sure it had some ridiculously wacky plots sometimes, but those always to pay off and served a purpose. But after seeing the first few episodes of the new season, I've noticed that it's style is gone and mostly so is the comedy.  How does the best show on TV become just another mediocre show so quickly?  Those wacky situations seem to be done every episode just for the sake of trying to be ridiculous.  It's been failing... hard.  If I wanted to see a barely funny show that used all the sitcom cliches available while sacrificing comedy for some misguided attempt at cramming in a bunch of emotional moments between characters, I'd watch NEARLY EVERY OTHER SHOW.


  1. Wow. Had a bad week, Matt? Just think how much better your week would have been if you could soak in your hot tub right now.

  2. Yes, I did have a bad week. And Community is only making it worse.

  3. I'm also not very pleased about this season, but then again, I think most of the third season was a wash with the exception of the Chang arc right near the end. Hopefully they pull through, but I'm not counting my chickens before they dean.

  4. I mean, you do know the reason WHY it's so diffrent this season, right? The mastermind behind it was replaced with flunkies. I feel bad for the cast who have to do their best with a zombified shell of a show.


    1. Yeah, I did know that. I suppose I was just hoping that the new ones in charge would at least be able to recognize that they were making a show that is actually a caricature of itself.

  5. I've found the episodes to be on an upward trend this season, but nowhere near where they were in their prime
