Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Love Elections, But...

I'm having a hard time getting excited for this recently announced federal election. Even though despite what the Conservatives say, I don't think this is an unnecessary election... I don't consider any election unnecessary. However, with the polls where they are, it's hard to imagine an outcome that looks significantly different from what we already have. Listening to all the leaders and their parties' representatives just emphasizes how little they take voters seriously. Their talking points are irrelevant if not outright fabrications of their opponents' stance on issues. The media, being lazy and hungry for stirring any sort of controversy, just blindly run with whatever unimportant angle the parties feed them.

Locally, the Liberals have nominated the two candidates who lost last election, who both first came into office during the Liberals' hey-day in the 90's. These lazy nominations of uninspiring candidates turn me off nearly completely from voting for them. It always seems to be the same old politics and nothing ever changes.

Following Steven Harper (@pmharper) and Michael Ignatieff (@M_Ignatieff) on Twitter is simultaneously hilarious and frustrating at how out of touch and partisan these two are.

Hey Harper, where's Senate reform?


  1. I agree with you here, Matt.

    I wanted my first federal election to be a lot more fun - right now I am trying to decide which candidate to not kick in the nards. Everything I've seen on the media about all of the major parties has made me cringe.


  2. Matt,
    I hear what you're saying. You're absolutely right that no election is unncessary, it's frustrating that so many people take our democratic privilege to vote for granted. That being said, all of the parties are depressing! Sigh. Hard to know what to do. Megan
