Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cutting The Cord

Today, I did something I never thought that I'd do. I cancelled my cable TV. I didn't replace with with another package, or switch to satellite, but cancelled it completely. For someone who likes his TV as much as me, this is a big step. But why would I do such a thing?

Well, for starters, my current package costs me nearly $100 per month ($98.73 to be exact). That included basic cable, HDTV channels, DVR rental, etc. That's alot, considering my second point...

I don't watch too many shows on a regular basis. Right now, I usually just watch The Office, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, and South Park, and all of those I can see legitimately on their respective network's websites. Now, in the new year a few of my favourites are starting back up: Lost, Battlestar Galactica, and 24 so I'll have to figure out ways to get them, which I don't think will be a problem.

My last reason is that I was finding myself simply turning on the TV and watching whatever was on when I had nothing to do. I never ended up watching anything that I really liked and if I didn't have the TV option I could do some other things, like finish transferring our old home videos to DVD or watch some DVDs that I've been meaning to get to for a while.

So, there I go. We'll see how it goes. Now, while I called to cancel today, it doesn't actually get shut off until the 18th since that's the end of the billing cycle. That works out for me, since after that I'll probably be in Sarnia for most of the holidays.

And, if you were wondering, this is what I was refering to when I said I was thinking the unthinkable in my facebook status about 2 weeks ago... I just didn't think it would take this long.

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