Sunday, December 02, 2007

I'm Weight Watching (Again)

You may or may not have been aware that about 2 and a half years ago, I tried out Weight Watchers Online. For a few months it went really well and I lost 45 pounds. However, I lost the will power and over time I eventually gained it all back. There were a couple of false restarts in between there where I'd lose a couple pounds over a couple weeks, but I never stuck with it. This time, however, it's going to be different. Why will it be different? First of all, I'm actually going to the Weight Watchers meetings instead of just doing it online. Second, I'm going with a friend this time. That's two more layers of accountability that I didn't have last time. Also, last time I didn't make it "public" that I was doing the program... whether that was out of embarrassment or as a safety net in case it didn't work, I don't know... probably a little bit of both.

This time, I'm doing the exact opposite... I'm letting anyone know who'll listen. Why would I do that? It's not so much for your information, as it is me removing that "at least if I fail no one will know" safety net. This time, failure is not an option... I really can't keep on going like I had been.

So, I've been going now for 10 weeks. So far, so good... I've been keeping track of my progress... have a look....

Now, of course, December has just started, so the next month is going to be a real struggle for me to keep up the pace. What with all the Christmas parties and cruises I'll be attending. So, come January, if I'm the same weight as I am now, I'll consider that success and I'll get back on it hard then.

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