Friday, November 25, 2005

Look At Me, I'm Shaking!

This week was my first off-week from Curling. I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from withdrawl.

What do you mean, you didn't know I was curling again? That's right, I'm back at it. After a seven year hiatus, I'm playing second on a team with my boss, Jim, his brother Mark, and his buddy Brad. We're doing better than we expected. Currently we have a win-loss record of 2-3, but we've managed to never be blown out of any game. We're competing, which is good since the number of years of experience for most of the curlers there averages out to about 150 years per curler. There's only maybe one or two other guys there in their 20's. But that's ok, this isn't a competitive league anyway. The most important rule is that the winners buy the first round after the game.

So, I'm happy to be back at it. I hadn't played regularly since highschool, where I skipped our team to be not last place three years in a row. Curling is a whole lotta fun, and surprisingly it's a great sport for television, as you can sit around arguing what shots should be played next. It's great for those who like strategy.

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