Monday, August 16, 2010

Well, That Was Needlessly Complicated

I tried updating the look of my good ol' blog here, but with all the alterations made to it over the years and it basically being a hybrid of the classic blogspot, the new blogspot and haloscan (echo) commenting system, the experiment was a complete failure. I couldn't get my title to display right (since I deleted that widget to get that picture up top) and I certainly couldn't get my comments to go back in. Good thing I saved a backup of the template first. Seriously, I should just let go and revert to the default commenting system on blogspot here.


  1. I think you should blog about your "close encounter" with the Massasauga rattlesnake. 

  2. Sorry the above comment had nothing to do with your blogging comments.  But since I didn't understand most of what you were blogging about, I thought of the snake issue at the cottage.  Makes perfect sense to me.

  3. It took a while for me to upgrade.  But once I figured out how to set the width to larger than default, life was much better.

    I gave up on haloscan a few years back when I updated my template to the "Old new blogger"

  4. Haloscan is gone? who knew...
