Monday, August 09, 2010

Not Hiatus. Writing Drought.

I haven't had much to write about recently. Truth is, usually I don't but can find something inane to post anyway. But I can't even make something up this time. Since September of 2004 (almost 6 years!) I've managed to post something every month, except for one. I'd say that's a pretty good track record.

There have been many blogs started by people I know, and most of them quickly fizzle out, some after less than a month. That's too bad, because I think the blog is a great way to keep up to date with the happenings and opinions of friends... much better than Facebook. I can understand how it can get discouraging if you have a streak of posts with zero comments and you aren't sure if anyone is actually reading. On the other hand, it's really encouraging when you get some post with lots of activity in the comments (my bar for "lots" is set at 5 at the moment). Just a note to those who have blogged and stopped, if a link to your old blog appears to the right, I was always reading.

Here's the funny thing about this post. I started it as a post basically to fill the gap until I had something to write about and it turned into a post about blogging itself. See? That's how easy it is. You don't have to have great things of great importance to say, just put down a blurb every once in a while. So, if you haven't blogged before or you used to and haven't in a while, give it a go (again). Not everything on the internet needs to be shared through Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Matt.  I must admit (and I think you know) that I have not visited your blog for sometime now.  But that is going to change.
