Thursday, June 09, 2011

My Garage Smells Like An Ashtray

Since moving in, I noticed that my garage smells a little off. I chalked it up to it being a garage and how it had probably stored things that wouldn't matter if they smelled. I couldn't put my finger on exactly what smell it was. However, the inside of my car is starting to pick up on the smell, and now when I get into it when out somewhere, I can distinctly smell cigarettes.

This is unfortunate, since I definitely plan to keep my car in the garage. However, I have to get rid of the smell. Problem is that there's no one source of the smell... it's probably just seeped into the walls over long periods of exposure.

Does anyone know how to get rid of a smell like this? All I can think of is to leave the window and doors open as much as possible, but I can't do that all the time as it's an invitation to steal my stuff.


  1. There's paint that can get rid of the smell (read: seal it in so it can't escape).

    On a nice fall or spring day, my apartment smells of stale smoke as the fumes from the neighbours house seep through the wall. It's not fun.

    I wish you well.

  2. I used several air sponges, I find that they helped... but the walls will always have the gross nicotine in them and on humid days they'll stink again.

  3. I say start smoking Matt. And not pipes or cigars. After a couple months or years of slowly trying to kill yourself, your sense of smell should be gone.

  4. We operate a motel and sometimes we have guests that leave all kinds of rotten smells behind :)

    Last time we had a guy with an ozone machine and that worked out pretty well. It got rid of a smell as if there was a dead body occupying the room for a week.

