Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Take A Stand, Old Lady. Take A Stand

So, I go down to vote this afternoon and there's only one other person at the polling station besides me there to vote. I had to wait until she was checked in and voted. While I was getting checked in, she comes back with her ballots and proudly declares to the polling station workers there, "I didn't use the second one!", giving off the impression that she was making a stand by not voting in the referendum. Of course, it was more likely that she never bothered to inform herself on the referendum and she looked at the ballot thinking, "what the hell is this?" That got me thinking how difficult it must be to inform yourself on the candidates, but be unaware of the referendum. It would be pretty impossible not to know about the referendum if you paid any attention to the election. Which, of course, brings me to the conclusion that people probably didn't inform themselves about the actual election and probably voted for the same party they've voted for for decades.

Now that's democracy inaction.

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