Ok, I don't have another mystery photo. But I have an equally mysterious question...
Monday, November 29, 2004
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Mystery 2 Solved!

Mystery photo 2 is, of course, the Heineken Brewery in Amsterdam! Every bottle of Heineken bears my last name (with an i and j tacked onto the end). So, for being the closest guess, Dan, er I mean, Jooje wins this round! That's one smart cat, er I mean, smartass cat. Ok, I'm done with mystery photos for now.

Monday, November 22, 2004
Mystery Photo 2!

Just because I can't think of anything else to write... Here's the second mystery photo in a series of one. Can you guess what and where this is? It's got the word Brouwer in it... it's got to be good!

Thursday, November 18, 2004
Mystery Solved!

The answer, of course, is that the mystery picture was a close up of Paul Tracy's Champ Car that he raced at the Australian Lexmark Indy 300 that clinched him the championship in 2003. I'm pleased to see that everyone was on the right track with the Indy references (like Molson Indy and Lexmark Indy, not the bad Indy). But why would I put up a picture of that, beside being a big Champ Car freak? Well, this race was right after the new anti-tobacco advertising law came into effect in Canada, so Player's couldn't put thier logo on the car for the last two races of the season... so as a way of saying thanks to thier fans, Player's put the name of thier fans (ones who signed up on thier website) on the car instead of thier now-illegal logo. Look closely at the mystery photo... three rows beneath the fat lady... you'll see a familiar name. That's right... my name was on Paul Tracy's championship winning Champ Car. Quite a thrill for someone like me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Monday, November 15, 2004
Cracked up to be?
So, as most of you know, I work from home. Pretty sweet deal, you may say. I would, of course, agree. However, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Sure, I get to sleep in right up until the time I have to be at work... Sure, I get to work in my pajamas... Sure, I got a sweet computer setup from my company. But there are some days that working like this really remind me of being in school. Except that there's no classes, just a never ending supply of homework. And that's the point I'm getting at... there's always something to do... and even though I may be at home, that means, I'm also always at work at the same time. So, if I tend to goof off during the day (which tends to happen from *ahem* time to time), I feel like I should be working in the evenings. And if I don't, I always have the nagging feeling in the back of my head saying "you have work to do". Therefore, I can never leave stuff "at the office" like normal folk do at 5:00 everyday. Now, of course, it may be different if I actually had things to do in the evening, and I could go somewhere and forget about work, but that's more of an exception than a rule.
And another thing... I made the mistake of going to the mall on Saturday afternoon. That was stupid. It was like it was the official opening weekend of Christmas shopping season. It was Santa's first day and Christmas music was being played in the mall. Not even halfway through November! Forget that!
hmmm... I guess I was overly negative today. sorry. I told myself that this blog wouldn't be anything serious and I wouldn't write real thoughts in it. Guess I blew that one. But I just had some things to get off my chest.
And another thing... I made the mistake of going to the mall on Saturday afternoon. That was stupid. It was like it was the official opening weekend of Christmas shopping season. It was Santa's first day and Christmas music was being played in the mall. Not even halfway through November! Forget that!
hmmm... I guess I was overly negative today. sorry. I told myself that this blog wouldn't be anything serious and I wouldn't write real thoughts in it. Guess I blew that one. But I just had some things to get off my chest.
Friday, November 12, 2004
For they looked in the future and what did they see
Well, it's been a while since I posted. I don't really have anything to say today, I just thought I'd post something anyway. Aren't you excited?
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
NHL All-Star Game Cancelled
So, they've cancelled the all-star game now, eh? I'm not saying this is a surprise... it's not. It'd be a surprise if they actually played next season. But do you want to know the worst thing about this is? That means that the next available All-Star game will be held in Atlanta to make up for this lost one. AT-FREAKIN-LANTA!?!?!!? I'll admit, it probably is good for the hockey fans in Atlanta. Seriously, I hope they both have a great time.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
There's nothing on TV!
Stupid TV! There's nothing on! Seems that there's some country having an election of some sort. Pfft.
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