The last two weeks have been really fun. I've been working down in Niagara Region doing supervision of a travel survey at the bridges to the USA. Once again, we were pulling people over, and asking them where they're coming from and going to, etc. The difference between this job and others like it, is that this one runs 24 hours a day in each location (instead of just the afternoon peak period). We had 3 8-hour shifts each day, but us lucky supervisors did 12-hour shifts. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much, as being a supervisor, I didn't actually have to ask the survey questions. Most people were very accommodating, but there's still a too large segment of the population who are just... angry. Seriously, you didn't expect any delays to happen at the border? Just chill out, politely refuse, and then wait until the person in front of you is done their survey because no, you can't drive through the coned off area where my surveyors are standing.
Oh and by the way, in case you angry drivers are wondering, yes we do have the authority to pull you over to ask you to participate in a survey according to Section 26.1 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act.